Hey Freshmen,
Welcome to Chico! You've made a great decision in deciding to spend these very formative years of your life in this fair town. By this point you've no doubt heard that Chico is a great biking town. It's true! The citie's heavily concentrated student population and incredible flatness combine in a perfect storm of bicycling goodness. But I have some bad news, just because you rode a bike as a kid doesn't mean you know how to ride a bike safely. I should actually rephrase that...just because you rode a bike as a kid doesn't mean you know how to ride a bike without aggravating the shit out of me. So here are some tips on how to ride a bike without sending me into a complete, hulk-out rage.
So you just blew 300 of your parents dollars on one of those cool cruiser bikes (good choice, those things are both highly efficient and on the cutting edge of fashion) and you ride off towards your dorm. You decide to show off your new purchase to all those folks shopping downtown so you head north on Broadway. The fiery glare you see coming from me isn't one of jealousy at your 'hella sweet new ride', it's because Broadway is a one way street and your dumb ass is riding the wrong way. I know this may sound crazy, but just because you're on a bike doesn't mean you get to ignore basic traffic laws. You see, when someone's turning onto a one-way street they only tend to look into the direction that traffic is flowing before pulling out (with occasional glances for pedestrians, but they ten to be slow, predictable creatures) and then you come riding up from the wrong direction, the car pulls into the street and you get knocked off your bike. Now you may or may not get hurt and your new bike may or may not get fucked beyond repair, these things don't keep me up at night. The worst part of this accident is that now I have to hear from you and your friends that "people in Chico don't know how to drive with bikes in the road." Which isn't the case, you dipshits just don't know how to ride a bike like you aren't competing in the Special Olympics.
A couple other basic traffic laws that would make me less of a crocthety old man if you decided to follow them: Stop signs apply to bikes as well...shocking! Now I don't expect you to come to a complete stop for three seconds or whatever the stupid law actually is. I'm simply asking that you don't blow through them like one of those light bikes from Tron that lack the ability to stop. You know how in England they drive on the wrong side of the road? Well the last time I looked at a map it said we live in the "United Sates of A-fuckin-merica" (I love my map), and over here we drive on the right side of the road...and guess what...this is one of those things that bikes should do as well! Here's a tip, if your riding along and you see the words "Bike Lane" painted on the street upside down, that means your on the wrong side of the fucking road. It's a lot less annoying to everyone around you if you just cross the damn street. Then we wouldn't have to deal with your retarded-homunculus-ass riding the wrong way in the bike lane.
Ok, so you've got your bike, your riding on the correct side of the road, slowing down for stop signs, etc...Your phone starts to ring. It's one of your new friends! You answer the phone, "Hey man what's up?...Oh I just got a new bike!...yeah man I fucking love riding my bike, it's great...Oh man, you should hella get a new bike...Are you going to Ashley's party tonight?...etc..." During this very important conversation you've run through three stop signs, one red light...and you've been swerving all over the bike lane and half the road (making it impossible for everyone behind you to pass your leisurely 4 mph pace). Nothing pisses me off more than people riding their bike while talking on their phone. You already don't know how to ride a fucking bike and I'm surprised you can even stay upright on the thing when your talking on your fucking brain-cancer machine.
So that's about it. If you follow these simple tips then you'll be saving me from a few more ulcers.
Peace, Love and Jet Lounge,
Post Script:
When you get better at riding your bike, please don't ride around doing the whole 'look at me, i can ride my bike without using my hands' thing. I thought that was impressive once...when I was five.
And oh yeah, the next time someone calls me "Lance Armstrong" when I'm riding my bike home from the bars, heads are gonna roll
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, posts when he feels like it damit!
Summer's almost over and that means that Chico's respite from the student population is almost at an end. It's a damn shame because I really enjoy Chico with a rather diminished student population. Now I get to deal with idiots who don't know how to ride a bike, talking on their cell phones while not knowing how to ride a bike (edit: being called "Lance Armstrong" no less than three times while riding your bike home from the bars gets old rather fast too). Also, my circle of friends in Chico has grown one ratio smaller with the departure of one Emile Clark, who's heading off to the land of ports. Hopefully she decides to visit more than Curt...and I don't think the bar can be set much lower than once...when I wasn't even in Chico.
The last studentless weekend of the summer turned out to be one of the best. Katie works at the study abroad office, which is awesome because we get to be some of the first people international students hang out with...forever shaping their opinions about what Americans are truly like. Friday night we hung out with them and I managed to sprain my ankle something fierce while leaving the Bear...the story involves a lot of alcohol, a crowded walkway, and an empty bench.
On Saturday I finally stopped wishing my body existed in a dimension different from the one my consciousness was occupying, when KT and MLE invited me to The Olive Garden for some endless soup, salad and breadsticks. Afterward we convinced six internationalites to take a trip to Bearhole. We had to stop at Target first to pick up some swimsuits. The general reaction to Target was one of...perplexity. "I a store like this with so many different things...common in United States?" I was asked. "There's about 4 of stores like these in every town the size of Chico" I replied to widened (Japanese) eyes. After suite buying it was Bearhole time, which is always nice. Then dinner at Katsu's and some karaoke. The internationals declined our invitation to 80's night at LaSalle's...asking us, "Does everyone in chico have this much energy?" I told him American food pumps you so full of hormones and preservatives that we don't need to sleep.
Sunday marked the aforementioned Emilie Clark's last day in Chico. It started with a delicious champagne brunch...which can only lead to one of two thing...a nap, or more champagne. Being that this is from Chico and that naps are for four year olds, we chose the latter. Swimming/dance party at KT's new digs. Rock band and vodka-tonic-clemantine's at my place. Food and margaritas at Tres. Sleeping and hurried last minute packing at MLE's. Somehow KT managed to find some of that famed Chico Energy and drove MLE to the airport at 5 in the am...the work from 8 am to 7 pm (if memory serves, correct me of your feat was even more amazing)
So Jeff (you're no doubt asking) how is your ankle? Well don't worry. It turns out awesome sideburns aren't the only thing I share with Wolverine...I'm also rather adept at healing.
The last studentless weekend of the summer turned out to be one of the best. Katie works at the study abroad office, which is awesome because we get to be some of the first people international students hang out with...forever shaping their opinions about what Americans are truly like. Friday night we hung out with them and I managed to sprain my ankle something fierce while leaving the Bear...the story involves a lot of alcohol, a crowded walkway, and an empty bench.
On Saturday I finally stopped wishing my body existed in a dimension different from the one my consciousness was occupying, when KT and MLE invited me to The Olive Garden for some endless soup, salad and breadsticks. Afterward we convinced six internationalites to take a trip to Bearhole. We had to stop at Target first to pick up some swimsuits. The general reaction to Target was one of...perplexity. "I a store like this with so many different things...common in United States?" I was asked. "There's about 4 of stores like these in every town the size of Chico" I replied to widened (Japanese) eyes. After suite buying it was Bearhole time, which is always nice. Then dinner at Katsu's and some karaoke. The internationals declined our invitation to 80's night at LaSalle's...asking us, "Does everyone in chico have this much energy?" I told him American food pumps you so full of hormones and preservatives that we don't need to sleep.
Sunday marked the aforementioned Emilie Clark's last day in Chico. It started with a delicious champagne brunch...which can only lead to one of two thing...a nap, or more champagne. Being that this is from Chico and that naps are for four year olds, we chose the latter. Swimming/dance party at KT's new digs. Rock band and vodka-tonic-clemantine's at my place. Food and margaritas at Tres. Sleeping and hurried last minute packing at MLE's. Somehow KT managed to find some of that famed Chico Energy and drove MLE to the airport at 5 in the am...the work from 8 am to 7 pm (if memory serves, correct me of your feat was even more amazing)
So Jeff (you're no doubt asking) how is your ankle? Well don't worry. It turns out awesome sideburns aren't the only thing I share with Wolverine...I'm also rather adept at healing.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, is the human rooster
Something strange has been happening to me every day for the past two months. I've been waking up at 8 in the morning...every day...without the use of an alarm clock. It doesn't matter what time I go to sleep, 11pm...3am...I'll be waking up within 3 minutes of 8 the morning. Maybe it's my mutant power starting to manifest. Only instead of some wicked power like gravity manipulation or lazer-face, I get this weak ass rooster based ability of always waking up at the same time.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, smokes two wild fires in the morning
So there were two things this post could have been about: The massive amount of smoke given off by the fires, or the new FISA bill the Senate just passed. Rumor has it the fires could be put out as soon as we start to get some rain (i.e. October) but it looks like the massive shit the FISA bill took on the Constitution's going to create a pretty deep stain that's gonna be there for a while. So I'm going with the topic that's effects me most in the short term.
Other than a few days of clear sky around the 4th of July, Chico's been incredibly smokey since late June. Ash was drifting down from the sky on Tuesday, the sky is an eery orange color, and douchebags ride their bikes/jog with masks on.

This was taken today, the forecast called for completely clear skies...so that's pretty much all smoke.
Sometimes it's so bad that 80% of the people drive with their headlights on. The other 20% are the folks who only begrudgingly turn their headlights on after official sunset...no matter what the outside environment may be like...smoke, heavy rain, or Steven King's horrifying mists.
There are two upsides though. The smoke does cut into the extreme heat. What should have been 110 degree temperatures were only 100...with a nice cool 72 degree low coming sometime around 5 in the morning. The other upside is that Superman can't control us with his super-fascism because we no longer have a yellow sun for him to draw power from. That shit is redder than Jan Fonda.
Other than a few days of clear sky around the 4th of July, Chico's been incredibly smokey since late June. Ash was drifting down from the sky on Tuesday, the sky is an eery orange color, and douchebags ride their bikes/jog with masks on.
This was taken today, the forecast called for completely clear skies...so that's pretty much all smoke.
Sometimes it's so bad that 80% of the people drive with their headlights on. The other 20% are the folks who only begrudgingly turn their headlights on after official sunset...no matter what the outside environment may be like...smoke, heavy rain, or Steven King's horrifying mists.
There are two upsides though. The smoke does cut into the extreme heat. What should have been 110 degree temperatures were only 100...with a nice cool 72 degree low coming sometime around 5 in the morning. The other upside is that Superman can't control us with his super-fascism because we no longer have a yellow sun for him to draw power from. That shit is redder than Jan Fonda.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The real Jeff Orr, bitches about crappy design part 2
Ok, this one's been bugging me ever since some out-of-town-goober almost ran into me by turning the wrong way onto 9th st (a one way for all you non-goober out-of-towners). Whoever designed the "One Way" street sign must have been coming up on a deadline after a month long bender in some liquor soaked town without any one-way streets. Sweating the loss of his job and his sole source of booze money he drew an arrow around the words "One Way" and slammed it on his manager's desk.
"Hmm...so the arrow could just be reversed if the road is going the other way?" asked his boss.
"Ummm...I guess so...?" replies the designer, his mind thick with the congealed residue of God knows what hallucinogens.
And this is how we're left with the wussiest road sign ever conceived. Black and white and wholly unobtrusive. A sign that should be screaming, "HEY! ASSHOLE! THE CARS ON THIS ROAD ARE ALL TRAVELING THE SAME WAY! IF YOU TURN RIGHT/LEFT YOU'LL DIE IN A FIERY CAR CRASH AND YOUR FRIENDS AREN'T EVEN HERE TO FILM IT AND PUT IT ON YOUTUBE!!" Instead the sign just kind of mumbles when nobodies paying attention, "Hey, I think I heard that this is a one way road...so you might not want to...you're not listening...oh well..."
The placement of these signs is always really shitty as well. They're always placed out of the way, where nobody who's doing anything important while driving (i.e. anything other than pay attention to shitty street signs) will ever see them in the first place. This combined with its complete lack of self confidence as a sign leads me to believe that the One Way sign is the awkward kid that nobody wants to hang out with in the street sign world. They invite him to parties because they know he won't drink and can be suckered into giving everyone a ride home.
*note: The Stop sign is telling some lame Jay Leno joke and the Yield sign is laughing because he's a suck-up
So this is the part of these posts where I make some suggestions on how to improve the design. Honestly the One Way sign just needs a way to make people pay attention to it. So I'd probably just add a rockin pair of tits to the bottom.
"Hmm...so the arrow could just be reversed if the road is going the other way?" asked his boss.
"Ummm...I guess so...?" replies the designer, his mind thick with the congealed residue of God knows what hallucinogens.
And this is how we're left with the wussiest road sign ever conceived. Black and white and wholly unobtrusive. A sign that should be screaming, "HEY! ASSHOLE! THE CARS ON THIS ROAD ARE ALL TRAVELING THE SAME WAY! IF YOU TURN RIGHT/LEFT YOU'LL DIE IN A FIERY CAR CRASH AND YOUR FRIENDS AREN'T EVEN HERE TO FILM IT AND PUT IT ON YOUTUBE!!" Instead the sign just kind of mumbles when nobodies paying attention, "Hey, I think I heard that this is a one way road...so you might not want to...you're not listening...oh well..."
The placement of these signs is always really shitty as well. They're always placed out of the way, where nobody who's doing anything important while driving (i.e. anything other than pay attention to shitty street signs) will ever see them in the first place. This combined with its complete lack of self confidence as a sign leads me to believe that the One Way sign is the awkward kid that nobody wants to hang out with in the street sign world. They invite him to parties because they know he won't drink and can be suckered into giving everyone a ride home.

So this is the part of these posts where I make some suggestions on how to improve the design. Honestly the One Way sign just needs a way to make people pay attention to it. So I'd probably just add a rockin pair of tits to the bottom.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, won't give in to monopoly so easily
A little background info:
I recently moved into my new thoroughly radical house. This new house has one drawback...my xbox is now about 50 feet away from our router instead of the 3 feet it was in my old place. This is a problem because; a)there's some choice new songs to download for Rockband from the Pixies (the entire Doolittle album) and Weezer (the two decent songs and one awesome song from their new record) b)Microsoft, in all their wisdom, decided to build a console that doesn't have wifi support out of the box, and c)I don't want to run an ugly ass ethernet cable across our living room, dining room and half my bedroom.
Luckily the fine folks at Microsoft provided a solution with the "Xbox Wireless Network Adaptor". I thought that this thing would be about $20-$30, a little pricey for my tastes bu still worth it. Imagine my surprise when I went to Best Buy and discovered that my estimate was about $80 short. That's right, the only thing that will connect my $350 xbox wirelessly to the internet is a $100 piece of plastic and circuitry. "Man...fuck that shit," I mumbled as I walked out the door.
Well, unfortunately for Microsoft, this isn't the only way to connect your xbox to wireless router dozens of feet away. Turns out you can hook your computer up to your xbox with an ethernet cable, change a few network settings, and bam! you've just turned your computer into a "wireless network adaptor" for your xbox. Sure you have to turn you computer on every time you want to go online with your xbox, but it's definitely worth it.
This is a prime example that even though you have a monopoly, you can't just charge anything you want. If that adaptor had run $30 I would have bought it after a bit of hemming and/or hawing and I'm sure Microsoft would have made a bit of profit. Instead they drove me to look for alternate solutions and made zero profit.
So if anyone wants to come over and play some Rock Band my new place has a pretty sweet setup for it. I'll even let you try to sing Debaser if you want.
Post Script
Alternate titles for this post:
The Real Jeff Orr, is un un chien andalusia
The Real Jeff Orr, is the greatest man who ever lived
I recently moved into my new thoroughly radical house. This new house has one drawback...my xbox is now about 50 feet away from our router instead of the 3 feet it was in my old place. This is a problem because; a)there's some choice new songs to download for Rockband from the Pixies (the entire Doolittle album) and Weezer (the two decent songs and one awesome song from their new record) b)Microsoft, in all their wisdom, decided to build a console that doesn't have wifi support out of the box, and c)I don't want to run an ugly ass ethernet cable across our living room, dining room and half my bedroom.
Luckily the fine folks at Microsoft provided a solution with the "Xbox Wireless Network Adaptor". I thought that this thing would be about $20-$30, a little pricey for my tastes bu still worth it. Imagine my surprise when I went to Best Buy and discovered that my estimate was about $80 short. That's right, the only thing that will connect my $350 xbox wirelessly to the internet is a $100 piece of plastic and circuitry. "Man...fuck that shit," I mumbled as I walked out the door.
Well, unfortunately for Microsoft, this isn't the only way to connect your xbox to wireless router dozens of feet away. Turns out you can hook your computer up to your xbox with an ethernet cable, change a few network settings, and bam! you've just turned your computer into a "wireless network adaptor" for your xbox. Sure you have to turn you computer on every time you want to go online with your xbox, but it's definitely worth it.
This is a prime example that even though you have a monopoly, you can't just charge anything you want. If that adaptor had run $30 I would have bought it after a bit of hemming and/or hawing and I'm sure Microsoft would have made a bit of profit. Instead they drove me to look for alternate solutions and made zero profit.
So if anyone wants to come over and play some Rock Band my new place has a pretty sweet setup for it. I'll even let you try to sing Debaser if you want.
Post Script
Alternate titles for this post:
The Real Jeff Orr, is un un chien andalusia
The Real Jeff Orr, is the greatest man who ever lived
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, laughs at change
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr,moves to a new place
Status update!
It's that time of the year again. I'm moving! So I've kept my streak of moving to a new place once a year alive. This year I had to move because my landlord decided that he wants to make some major renovations to the house, so he didn't offer to renew my lease. My new place is this huge 7 bedroom house on Hobart between 1st and 2nd ave. I'll post some pictures of my room soon because it's pretty much the most awesome room I've ever lived in. It's about 25' by 15', it's split level (you walk in on a smaller landing then walk down three stairs to the other part of the room) and it has it's own sink and shower...in the room! The house itself has a nice porch, huge bakyard with a treehouse, 2 kitchens, and around three living-roomish type rooms.
Now that I've got such a big room I'm in need of some stuff to fill up the space. I'm saving up some money for a trip to Ikea in the coming months...there's a bookcase named Billy that I'd like to take home. Also, one of these would really make the room complete.
In non-moving-related news, I'm coming down to Camarillo for a few days. I'll be flying down Friday (the 20th) morning. Then my aunt's having some big party Saturday with a steel drum band and margarita bar and all kinds of fun shit...hit me up if you want an invite to this very exclusive event. I'm flying back on Monday so I won't really have much time to hang out.
Weezer just came out with a new album and dispite a couple noteable songs it's more or less a major dissa...well...I guess it's not technically a dissapointment when you weren't really expecting much.
It's that time of the year again. I'm moving! So I've kept my streak of moving to a new place once a year alive. This year I had to move because my landlord decided that he wants to make some major renovations to the house, so he didn't offer to renew my lease. My new place is this huge 7 bedroom house on Hobart between 1st and 2nd ave. I'll post some pictures of my room soon because it's pretty much the most awesome room I've ever lived in. It's about 25' by 15', it's split level (you walk in on a smaller landing then walk down three stairs to the other part of the room) and it has it's own sink and shower...in the room! The house itself has a nice porch, huge bakyard with a treehouse, 2 kitchens, and around three living-roomish type rooms.
Now that I've got such a big room I'm in need of some stuff to fill up the space. I'm saving up some money for a trip to Ikea in the coming months...there's a bookcase named Billy that I'd like to take home. Also, one of these would really make the room complete.
In non-moving-related news, I'm coming down to Camarillo for a few days. I'll be flying down Friday (the 20th) morning. Then my aunt's having some big party Saturday with a steel drum band and margarita bar and all kinds of fun shit...hit me up if you want an invite to this very exclusive event. I'm flying back on Monday so I won't really have much time to hang out.
Weezer just came out with a new album and dispite a couple noteable songs it's more or less a major dissa...well...I guess it's not technically a dissapointment when you weren't really expecting much.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, does a favor for a friend
So my friend Katie is in Thailand. I guess she's having some trouble posting pictures, so she sent me a couple of pictures and captions and asked me to post them. I gladly oblige.
On last Sunday we got to play with some baby elephants...they were a lot smaller than I thought they would be...

Monday, June 2, 2008
The real Jeff Orr, bitches about crappy design part 1
As I wander around this reality there are a lot of things that I see which are just...poorly thought out. Often times nobody's around to hear my comment on them, so I store them inside and wait until a lull in some conversation that I can assert my clever observation. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that this makes me sound like some sort of whiny weirdo. So I'm taking them to the one place where complaining about minute annoyances is acceptable and encouraged, the internet.
Week one:
At the Safeway on Mangrove is a contraption of such inane stupidity that it not only boggles the mind, it scrabbles and candy-lands it as well. Some half-retarded manatee at Safeway decided that they need to redesign the shopping cart corral. What was once two simple railings spaced slightly further apart than the width of the shopping cart itself has become...this...

Now at first glance this looks at least somewhat innocuous...that is until you notice that it's built on a slope...with the open end downhill. Everyday when I get off work I see a couple carts in the middle of the parking lot, having escaped their confines by cleverly rolling backwards. Old ladies, their bones weekend by osteoporosis and years of meth addiction, spend hours trying to convince their cart to stay in the corral...finally coming to the conclusion that the best solution is to wedge it in behind the trash can.
I'm pretty sure whoever came up with this design had a mom who sent him to school with a sign pinned to the front of his shirt reading, "Please don't tease my son, his father is a frozen neanderthal and I drank more than Andre the Giant while pregnant."
The solution to this problem is pretty simple. Either put another railing down the center of this shit...or...you know...move it to the other side of the row so the back is downhill...
On a completely unrelated note my friend Katie's in Thailand. If she decides to stop living in the real world and visit the virtual one you can read about her journey on her blog.
Week one:
At the Safeway on Mangrove is a contraption of such inane stupidity that it not only boggles the mind, it scrabbles and candy-lands it as well. Some half-retarded manatee at Safeway decided that they need to redesign the shopping cart corral. What was once two simple railings spaced slightly further apart than the width of the shopping cart itself has become...this...
Now at first glance this looks at least somewhat innocuous...that is until you notice that it's built on a slope...with the open end downhill. Everyday when I get off work I see a couple carts in the middle of the parking lot, having escaped their confines by cleverly rolling backwards. Old ladies, their bones weekend by osteoporosis and years of meth addiction, spend hours trying to convince their cart to stay in the corral...finally coming to the conclusion that the best solution is to wedge it in behind the trash can.
I'm pretty sure whoever came up with this design had a mom who sent him to school with a sign pinned to the front of his shirt reading, "Please don't tease my son, his father is a frozen neanderthal and I drank more than Andre the Giant while pregnant."
The solution to this problem is pretty simple. Either put another railing down the center of this shit...or...you know...move it to the other side of the row so the back is downhill...
On a completely unrelated note my friend Katie's in Thailand. If she decides to stop living in the real world and visit the virtual one you can read about her journey on her blog.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, is made of 100% renewable resources
Whoever is in charge of marketing corn these days is a fucking genius. There are food riots taking place in parts of the world and we've been convinced that using the shit to fuel our cars is a great idea. Now we've even got corn based "plastic" cups that are biodegradable, which I admit is pretty cool. The fine people behind corn seem to have fully jumped aboard this whole green-washing fad that's swept through our culture. It seems like every company is presenting itself as "eco-friendly"... no matter how ridiculously impossible it might seem...
But the grand prize definitely goes to corn. Today at work I saw a product that boggles the fucking mind. Socks...made out of corn. Touted as, "biodegradable" and made from, "100% renewable resources". Finally I can stop wearing these socks that are destroying America's old-growth cotton forests! Has this whole green revolution really made us this retarded? When canned pancakes can be marketed as "organic" then the answer is one fat nondegradable yes.
But the grand prize definitely goes to corn. Today at work I saw a product that boggles the fucking mind. Socks...made out of corn. Touted as, "biodegradable" and made from, "100% renewable resources". Finally I can stop wearing these socks that are destroying America's old-growth cotton forests! Has this whole green revolution really made us this retarded? When canned pancakes can be marketed as "organic" then the answer is one fat nondegradable yes.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, continues his replica-ruminations
If you haven't already then you'll want to go read my first post before continuing.
Over the past few years I've often pondered the reasons for the existence of multiple "Jeff Orrs". Be they impostors who merely wish to use my name to profit from my prolific reputation, or dopplegangers whom I've never met but am assured "look just like me." This posting shall concern itself with the later and more mysterious of the two.
Theories as to how these beings could possibly exist fill my mind in much the same way nitrogen, the unsung hero of the stratos, fills the atmosphere of our lovely blue-green orb. My most recent theory has roots stretching back to 2004, when a few dear friends of mine sagely recommended a novel that would alter my perception of reality.
Flatland, the 1884 masterpiece of Edwin A. Abbot, follows the life of a simple square living in the second spatial dimension. The first half of the book has our quadrilateral narrator explaining the workings of a two dimensional world. In the second portion of the book our friendly square is visited by a sphere from the third dimension. Of course our square is trapped in a dimensionally lacking existence and only perceives the sphere as a circle the expands and contrasts as it passes through his plane of perception. I shan't bore you with any more of the books details as this may detract from your own enjoyment of the work, plus I really should be moving on with this entry.
Needless to say the book sparked an interest in extra spacial dimensions beyond our paltry three. I came to the realization that whoever first claimed time to be the fourth dimension must have been under the influence of marijuana cigarettes. One might as well claim the fourth dimension to be a tuna sandwich.
My theory is that extra spacial dimensions exist and that I am merely part of a multi dimensional being existing across the entire spectrum. The Jeff Orr that you usually interact with is the one rooted in the third dimension. The other "Jeff Orrs" that I've been told of are parts of my being that exist beyond our perception and are simply "passing through" our reality, much in the same way we pass through the reality of two dimensional beings from time to time. This is why other "Jeff Orrs" are always seen in close proximity to myself and always "look just like me".
I rather enjoy this theory, as it doesn't imply anything villainous about these other versions of myself, they are merely part of the nature of my being. However, I'm afraid that this is one the more benign theories I have on the subject and from here on out things will only get more sinister.
-Trans-dimensionally yours,
The Real Jeff Orr
Over the past few years I've often pondered the reasons for the existence of multiple "Jeff Orrs". Be they impostors who merely wish to use my name to profit from my prolific reputation, or dopplegangers whom I've never met but am assured "look just like me." This posting shall concern itself with the later and more mysterious of the two.
Theories as to how these beings could possibly exist fill my mind in much the same way nitrogen, the unsung hero of the stratos, fills the atmosphere of our lovely blue-green orb. My most recent theory has roots stretching back to 2004, when a few dear friends of mine sagely recommended a novel that would alter my perception of reality.
Flatland, the 1884 masterpiece of Edwin A. Abbot, follows the life of a simple square living in the second spatial dimension. The first half of the book has our quadrilateral narrator explaining the workings of a two dimensional world. In the second portion of the book our friendly square is visited by a sphere from the third dimension. Of course our square is trapped in a dimensionally lacking existence and only perceives the sphere as a circle the expands and contrasts as it passes through his plane of perception. I shan't bore you with any more of the books details as this may detract from your own enjoyment of the work, plus I really should be moving on with this entry.
Needless to say the book sparked an interest in extra spacial dimensions beyond our paltry three. I came to the realization that whoever first claimed time to be the fourth dimension must have been under the influence of marijuana cigarettes. One might as well claim the fourth dimension to be a tuna sandwich.
My theory is that extra spacial dimensions exist and that I am merely part of a multi dimensional being existing across the entire spectrum. The Jeff Orr that you usually interact with is the one rooted in the third dimension. The other "Jeff Orrs" that I've been told of are parts of my being that exist beyond our perception and are simply "passing through" our reality, much in the same way we pass through the reality of two dimensional beings from time to time. This is why other "Jeff Orrs" are always seen in close proximity to myself and always "look just like me".
I rather enjoy this theory, as it doesn't imply anything villainous about these other versions of myself, they are merely part of the nature of my being. However, I'm afraid that this is one the more benign theories I have on the subject and from here on out things will only get more sinister.
-Trans-dimensionally yours,
The Real Jeff Orr
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr: Gives Some Advice To The Local Media
If you're doing a news story about the library's censorship of pornography, then you might want to avoid saying, "...leaving the current policy firmly in place." That is...unless you want me to giggle like I'm 13.
...that is all...
...that is all...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr: Notices Random Shit
Have you noticed that they updated the stencil for the bike lane guy? They gave him a helmet...

Now I could go into a big long rant about how this symbolizes our governments long decline into a "nanny state" and blah, blah, blah...snoooozer. I'll simply tell you that my first reaction upon seeing this updated symbol was, "Why did they turn the bike guy into a Chinaman?"
...my second reaction was that the person in charge of bike-lane-signage must hate bicyclists and was trying to subliminally tell everyone that, "Bike riding is for dickheads"

Now I could go into a big long rant about how this symbolizes our governments long decline into a "nanny state" and blah, blah, blah...snoooozer. I'll simply tell you that my first reaction upon seeing this updated symbol was, "Why did they turn the bike guy into a Chinaman?"
...my second reaction was that the person in charge of bike-lane-signage must hate bicyclists and was trying to subliminally tell everyone that, "Bike riding is for dickheads"
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr: Gushes Over TMBG Once Every Two Years
I got Netflix back in January and added a ton of stuff to my queue. Four months later and I pretty much have no idea whats coming to me as I return movies. So on Thursday along comes a little documentary that I haven't seen in years. Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns, the documentary about They Might Be Giants. The documentary is fantastic, but it always has the rather nasty (for those in close proximity to me) side effect of rekindling my love of TMBG. I rummage through my completely dishevled CD collection and pull out all their old stuff and give it a listen. Going back and listening to songs you loved years ago and hearing them from a different perspective is sometimes really incredible. Sometimes you come away with a completely different interpretation of the song and sometimes the song just transports you back to the state of mind you were in years ago when you listened to it over and over. The thing I really enjoy about TMBG is that your constantly discovering new things about their songs and when you finally "get" the "meaning" of a song it gives a real feeling of satisfaction. Their songs are so light and seemingly inconsequential that I never really bother trying to find any hidden meanings, so when I finally gain a deeper understanding about a song it's like it comes out of left field. Then there's just this torrent of understanding about the song that causes all the other parts to make sense on a completely different level. It's almost like putting together a puzzle and your about to put the final piece in only to realize that there's something on the back of the piece, so you turn another piece over and notice that there's something on the back of that piece as well. So you flip the entire puzzle over and realize that you've been looking at this thing from the side, and now all the pieces all mixed up again and you have to reconstruct it. When you finally put this puzzle together again you're completely baffled that, not only did it work out but the picture it creates is ten times more beautiful then you first thought. I still remember being blown away when I realized that Birdhouse In Your Sole is about a night light...I just sat there with a wild look in my eyes saying, "Bullshit! Bullshit!..." over and over again.
I think this is why I love things like Futurama and Arrested Development. Going back and viewing things again with a new understanding is simply divine. Oh yeah...and a good pun is one of my favorite guilty pleasures.
My rediscovering of TMBG is unfortunate for those around me because if you happen to catch me in a rather chatty mood I will not only talk your ear off about, but I will then take your ear home with me and add it to my ever growing ear collection. I also make long pointless posts that I don't bother proof reading...and that don't have satisfactory endings...
I think this is why I love things like Futurama and Arrested Development. Going back and viewing things again with a new understanding is simply divine. Oh yeah...and a good pun is one of my favorite guilty pleasures.
My rediscovering of TMBG is unfortunate for those around me because if you happen to catch me in a rather chatty mood I will not only talk your ear off about, but I will then take your ear home with me and add it to my ever growing ear collection. I also make long pointless posts that I don't bother proof reading...and that don't have satisfactory endings...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 6: The Return
So after the longest Saturday of my life (technically 40 hours) I am back in California. As you may have noticed my posting quickly tapered off. This was mostly because of two things. One, I was busy having fun in Tokyo. Two, as Pat will tell you (at length if you dare ask him), blogspot utterly blows for posting lots of pictures. Now that I'm back in the states I have some time to post some of my adventures in Tokyo...but I'd much rather tell you in person, preferably at a bar or party. Here's a few last pics to give you an idea of what our time was spent on.
Shrine seeing
Fun Japanese folk meeting
Karaoke singing
Drunken playgrounding
Waking up after drunken playgrounding
Studio Ghilbi Museum visiting
Tokyo Tower viewing
Serene rock sitting
That's it, now I can get back to some more important matters in life...like reading Dune...and catching up on the episodes of Lost I missed.
Shrine seeing
Fun Japanese folk meeting
Karaoke singing
Drunken playgrounding
Waking up after drunken playgrounding
Studio Ghilbi Museum visiting
Tokyo Tower viewing
Serene rock sitting
That's it, now I can get back to some more important matters in life...like reading Dune...and catching up on the episodes of Lost I missed.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 5: The Birthday
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 4: The Parade
So it turns out my phone can shoot 15 sec of video at a time...it also turns out we snuck into the St Patrick's Day Parade in Harajuku. The two collided to bring you today's post.
Unfortunately my camera doesn't have a mic so I'll have to describe the sounds you should be hearing. Most of the people watching the parade were generally quite with the odd group of drunken Irish cheering every now and then. In the background there was a battle of music between a highschool marching band playing the Back to the Future theme and a group of Japanese men playing the bagpipes. In the end of the video I explain that we had somehow made it into the parade.
Unfortunately my camera doesn't have a mic so I'll have to describe the sounds you should be hearing. Most of the people watching the parade were generally quite with the odd group of drunken Irish cheering every now and then. In the background there was a battle of music between a highschool marching band playing the Back to the Future theme and a group of Japanese men playing the bagpipes. In the end of the video I explain that we had somehow made it into the parade.
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 3: Tokyo
Quick post full of pictures
Towards the end of the night we had a few beers with this cat...what happened next is a bit hazy though
This is the cities main municipal building...its pretty much one of the tallest buildings left in Tokyo after they passed an ordinance against them in 1985. They were just attracting way too many monsters

This guy had a PA system on top of his car so he's pretty much like the Blues Brothers...only instead of inviting people to a kickass concert he's spouting a bunch of hateful anti-american nationalist stuff. Pat got a picture with him.
We found this pretty cool little cafe called the Cafe Cotton Club...its coolness to emptiness ratio was off the charts
Day 1
Day 2:
This guy had a PA system on top of his car so he's pretty much like the Blues Brothers...only instead of inviting people to a kickass concert he's spouting a bunch of hateful anti-american nationalist stuff. Pat got a picture with him.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 2: The Flight
So I'm posting this from Mikey's place in Japan, it's about 9am here and Pat and Mikey are srill asleep...the O'Riley clan are know for their prodigious ability to slumber...conversely, the Orr's are relatively early risers.
Getting to Japan was pretty fun but I'm sure you don't really want to read all the hairy details about the plane ride so I'll bust it down into a few bullet points.
Getting to Japan was pretty fun but I'm sure you don't really want to read all the hairy details about the plane ride so I'll bust it down into a few bullet points.
- Pat and I didn't actually have an actual ticket for any actual flight
- Pat's mom worked for American Airlines for years so we were on some "no-res" list or whatever Pat calls it
- This means we get to take whatever seats are left over for as cheap as free.
- We had to fly to Texas first because there weren't any seats left on CA to JP flights.
- Two planes leaving to TX at the same time, we would be #s 17 and 18 on either flight's stand by list
- Pat and I choose the correct flight and are rewarded with literally the last two seats on the flight
- The fact that these two seats were next to each other was merely an omen of the fortuitous road ahead
- Five hour lay-over in TX
- Plane isn't nearly as full
- Pat somehow manages to snag us the last two first class seats on the plane
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 1: the drive
So I made the drive down to Southern California and I have one thing to say, "Fuck Yuba City." Every time I drive down the 99 I dread the ten minutes I have to spend in that godless shit-hole (is shit-hole hyphenated?). The highway through Yuba city is always under some sort of
construction and is always full of more potholes than Rip Torn's grizzled visage. Whenever I drive through there I get a slight glimmer of hope that the two lanes might allow me to pass some of the slower traffic. However, the facts that the stop lights in that demon-pit are fucking schizophrenic and the drivers there are borderline retarded, always results in me getting stuck behind even more slow cars than when I entered this Mos Eisley of the north state.
Aside from the trip through Fuckwitville the drive was decent, I think I come up with some of my most interesting ideas on long solo drives. I've got a couple new theories on how fake Jeff Orr's could exist. One of them involves an alternate time-line/time-traveling witness protection program, I'll post it when it's more fleshed out.
Monday night I fly to Texas with Pat, sit around the Dallas airport for a few hours, then fly to Japan at some ungodly hour on Tuesday morning.

Aside from the trip through Fuckwitville the drive was decent, I think I come up with some of my most interesting ideas on long solo drives. I've got a couple new theories on how fake Jeff Orr's could exist. One of them involves an alternate time-line/time-traveling witness protection program, I'll post it when it's more fleshed out.
Monday night I fly to Texas with Pat, sit around the Dallas airport for a few hours, then fly to Japan at some ungodly hour on Tuesday morning.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, gives a sub-par post
Here's some things that the real Jeff Orr has been enjoying recently:
Professor Layton and the Curious Village. A game on the DS that is entirely hand drawn and is all about solving puzzles. Although the puzzles aren't the hardest in the world, there are a few head scratchers and the animation is pretty wicked.
Wizard People, Dear Read. This is hands down the funniest fucking thing to come out since 2004. Brad Neely, of Washington, Washington fame, recorded an alternate naration for the first Harry Potter movie. You download the track, play the movie with the sound turned down and play his narration at the same time. I'm bringing it with me when I head down south Saturday, so if you're in Camarillo then resist the urge to youtube this shit because we'll do it up right sometime soon. If you're in Chico then I'm planning a screening when I get back into town later this month.
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase For Lincoln's Killer. This book may very well turn me into something I detest. The story behind Lincoln's assasination is so fascinating that I can't help talking about it. Soon I'll become "that-guy-at-the-party-who-only-talks-about-Abe-Lincoln" and that scares the shit out of me.
VACATION! If you didn't already know, I'm going on vacation for the next few weeks. Pat and I are going to Japan to visit his brother. If our plane crashes then we aren't dead, we're just on some mysterious island trying to come up with interesting and convoluted back stories so we can fit in with all the other assholes on the island.
Professor Layton and the Curious Village. A game on the DS that is entirely hand drawn and is all about solving puzzles. Although the puzzles aren't the hardest in the world, there are a few head scratchers and the animation is pretty wicked.
Wizard People, Dear Read. This is hands down the funniest fucking thing to come out since 2004. Brad Neely, of Washington, Washington fame, recorded an alternate naration for the first Harry Potter movie. You download the track, play the movie with the sound turned down and play his narration at the same time. I'm bringing it with me when I head down south Saturday, so if you're in Camarillo then resist the urge to youtube this shit because we'll do it up right sometime soon. If you're in Chico then I'm planning a screening when I get back into town later this month.
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase For Lincoln's Killer. This book may very well turn me into something I detest. The story behind Lincoln's assasination is so fascinating that I can't help talking about it. Soon I'll become "that-guy-at-the-party-who-only-talks-about-Abe-Lincoln" and that scares the shit out of me.
VACATION! If you didn't already know, I'm going on vacation for the next few weeks. Pat and I are going to Japan to visit his brother. If our plane crashes then we aren't dead, we're just on some mysterious island trying to come up with interesting and convoluted back stories so we can fit in with all the other assholes on the island.

Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Real Jeff Orr, an introduction
What's the deal with "the real Jeff Orr"?
For years I had blissfully walked through life without even the slightest notion that this seemingly bright and clear world could hold vile beings in its dark and murky depths. Then, in high school, I started to get a feeling that something was amiss. I heard rumors of another boy, one year older than me, who "looked just like" me. I never actually met this wraith face to face, but numerous people informed me of his existence. Somewhat perplexed, I devoted some free time to exploring the circumstances that could create "another me". Through the years I studied the sciences that are only discussed in the fringes of society and I've developed a number of theories. I'll save those for a later date, for this is simply a brief overview of my experiences with fake Jeff Orr's.
The high school dopple ganger never really caused me any serious inconvenience and after a few years my interest in alternate Jeff Orr's started to wane. That is, until my sophomore year in college. Creating a personal website was all the rage in my circle of friends and after the success of devlindonnelly.com (now defunct) and curtbanner.com I decided to join the scene. However, I soon realized that jefforr.com was in use, by a man proclaiming to be me! Not only was this impostor using my name to further his lot in life, he was using the website to promote his wedding! I feel a great deal of sorrow for the young lady, for she no doubt believed she was marrying the real deal. Not only was this thing using my domain name, but he sat on it for years. Long after his sham of a wedding his site still existed, announcing a wedding that was now only available to time travelers.
Months ago I received a friend request on the highly acclaimed social networking site Myspace. It was from none other than Jeff Orr. At first I was a little put off at the thought of being "friends" with a fake me. Then I came to the realization that he was a musical artist. Things were starting to look better, perhaps there were people out there doing cool things under my name. But my hopes were quickly dashed against the jagged shores of reality. This musician Jeff Orr was of the worst variety, he was a middle-age-still-trying-to-look-hip-douchey-wuss-christian-rock-musician. He has also taken over jefforr.com. Visit the site if you want to feel some of my hate radiating through the internet. I have more to say on the subject of this, my most hated duplicate, but I shall save it for a later post.
After the "rock star" (quotation marks denote irony, not an actual quotation) Jeff Orr incident I decided that I could not take this in passivity. I must act fast and let the world know that I am the real Jeff Orr. I'll be using this web-log to inform the world of my many theories on the subject (which include multiple varieties of time travel, cloning, alternate spatial dimensions, and the awesome paradox). This site will also chronicle my existence so that the world may bear witness to the actions of the one true Jeff Orr.
Until my next electronic communique,
I remain,
The Real Jeff Orr
For years I had blissfully walked through life without even the slightest notion that this seemingly bright and clear world could hold vile beings in its dark and murky depths. Then, in high school, I started to get a feeling that something was amiss. I heard rumors of another boy, one year older than me, who "looked just like" me. I never actually met this wraith face to face, but numerous people informed me of his existence. Somewhat perplexed, I devoted some free time to exploring the circumstances that could create "another me". Through the years I studied the sciences that are only discussed in the fringes of society and I've developed a number of theories. I'll save those for a later date, for this is simply a brief overview of my experiences with fake Jeff Orr's.
The high school dopple ganger never really caused me any serious inconvenience and after a few years my interest in alternate Jeff Orr's started to wane. That is, until my sophomore year in college. Creating a personal website was all the rage in my circle of friends and after the success of devlindonnelly.com (now defunct) and curtbanner.com I decided to join the scene. However, I soon realized that jefforr.com was in use, by a man proclaiming to be me! Not only was this impostor using my name to further his lot in life, he was using the website to promote his wedding! I feel a great deal of sorrow for the young lady, for she no doubt believed she was marrying the real deal. Not only was this thing using my domain name, but he sat on it for years. Long after his sham of a wedding his site still existed, announcing a wedding that was now only available to time travelers.
Months ago I received a friend request on the highly acclaimed social networking site Myspace. It was from none other than Jeff Orr. At first I was a little put off at the thought of being "friends" with a fake me. Then I came to the realization that he was a musical artist. Things were starting to look better, perhaps there were people out there doing cool things under my name. But my hopes were quickly dashed against the jagged shores of reality. This musician Jeff Orr was of the worst variety, he was a middle-age-still-trying-to-look-hip-douchey-wuss-christian-rock-musician. He has also taken over jefforr.com. Visit the site if you want to feel some of my hate radiating through the internet. I have more to say on the subject of this, my most hated duplicate, but I shall save it for a later post.
After the "rock star" (quotation marks denote irony, not an actual quotation) Jeff Orr incident I decided that I could not take this in passivity. I must act fast and let the world know that I am the real Jeff Orr. I'll be using this web-log to inform the world of my many theories on the subject (which include multiple varieties of time travel, cloning, alternate spatial dimensions, and the awesome paradox). This site will also chronicle my existence so that the world may bear witness to the actions of the one true Jeff Orr.
Until my next electronic communique,
I remain,
The Real Jeff Orr
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