Monday, March 17, 2008

The Real Jeff Orr, goes on vacation, step 5: The Birthday

Yesterday was Mikey's birthday. We did another nomihodai and then met up with some really fun Japanese people. We didn't end up making it back to Mikey's until around 6:30 in the morning. I'm not really feeling up to posting right now so I'll just let this one picture speak for the entire night.


Kansai Katie said...

i am very concerned with the way your trip to japan has progressed. some of your clothing seems to be missing! seems you're having maybe too good a time :) hope we can talk again soon! where are our morning/evening skype chats?? soon?
<3 katie

Kansai Katie said...

nice talking to you yesterday!!! Today I am off to San Diego!!! I hope the museum was nice...

Check this out:

Anonymous said...

Anxiously awaiting the story behind this picture.