Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Real Jeff Orr, gives a sub-par post

Here's some things that the real Jeff Orr has been enjoying recently:

Professor Layton and the Curious Village. A game on the DS that is entirely hand drawn and is all about solving puzzles. Although the puzzles aren't the hardest in the world, there are a few head scratchers and the animation is pretty wicked.

Wizard People, Dear Read. This is hands down the funniest fucking thing to come out since 2004. Brad Neely, of Washington, Washington fame, recorded an alternate naration for the first Harry Potter movie. You download the track, play the movie with the sound turned down and play his narration at the same time. I'm bringing it with me when I head down south Saturday, so if you're in Camarillo then resist the urge to youtube this shit because we'll do it up right sometime soon. If you're in Chico then I'm planning a screening when I get back into town later this month.

Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase For Lincoln's Killer. This book may very well turn me into something I detest. The story behind Lincoln's assasination is so fascinating that I can't help talking about it. Soon I'll become "that-guy-at-the-party-who-only-talks-about-Abe-Lincoln" and that scares the shit out of me.

VACATION! If you didn't already know, I'm going on vacation for the next few weeks. Pat and I are going to Japan to visit his brother. If our plane crashes then we aren't dead, we're just on some mysterious island trying to come up with interesting and convoluted back stories so we can fit in with all the other assholes on the island.

1 comment:

Kansai Katie said...

woooot japan! and also, that was no subpar post