Week one:
At the Safeway on Mangrove is a contraption of such inane stupidity that it not only boggles the mind, it scrabbles and candy-lands it as well. Some half-retarded manatee at Safeway decided that they need to redesign the shopping cart corral. What was once two simple railings spaced slightly further apart than the width of the shopping cart itself has become...this...
Now at first glance this looks at least somewhat innocuous...that is until you notice that it's built on a slope...with the open end downhill. Everyday when I get off work I see a couple carts in the middle of the parking lot, having escaped their confines by cleverly rolling backwards. Old ladies, their bones weekend by osteoporosis and years of meth addiction, spend hours trying to convince their cart to stay in the corral...finally coming to the conclusion that the best solution is to wedge it in behind the trash can.
I'm pretty sure whoever came up with this design had a mom who sent him to school with a sign pinned to the front of his shirt reading, "Please don't tease my son, his father is a frozen neanderthal and I drank more than Andre the Giant while pregnant."
The solution to this problem is pretty simple. Either put another railing down the center of this shit...or...you know...move it to the other side of the row so the back is downhill...
On a completely unrelated note my friend Katie's in Thailand. If she decides to stop living in the real world and visit the virtual one you can read about her journey on her blog.
The Safeway shopping center is the most poorly designed space I've ever seen. Every time I'm there I almost get hit by a car. Even if I'm walking on the sidewalk!
The parking spaces are badly laid out, the gas station is impossible to navigate and the yield signs coming into the lot are totally ineffectual. I think we should write a letter. But to whom?
I'm really tempted to "Tell it to the ER"...in fact I think a fun summer project would be to come up with a character that just bitches about random things in the ER.
I always thought it would be a good idea to put "tell it to the e-r" on speed dial so every time I got peeved about something I could call them. too bad I don't have a cell phone.
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