Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Real Jeff Orr,moves to a new place

Status update!

It's that time of the year again. I'm moving! So I've kept my streak of moving to a new place once a year alive. This year I had to move because my landlord decided that he wants to make some major renovations to the house, so he didn't offer to renew my lease. My new place is this huge 7 bedroom house on Hobart between 1st and 2nd ave. I'll post some pictures of my room soon because it's pretty much the most awesome room I've ever lived in. It's about 25' by 15', it's split level (you walk in on a smaller landing then walk down three stairs to the other part of the room) and it has it's own sink and the room! The house itself has a nice porch, huge bakyard with a treehouse, 2 kitchens, and around three living-roomish type rooms.

Now that I've got such a big room I'm in need of some stuff to fill up the space. I'm saving up some money for a trip to Ikea in the coming months...there's a bookcase named Billy that I'd like to take home. Also, one of these would really make the room complete.

In non-moving-related news, I'm coming down to Camarillo for a few days. I'll be flying down Friday (the 20th) morning. Then my aunt's having some big party Saturday with a steel drum band and margarita bar and all kinds of fun shit...hit me up if you want an invite to this very exclusive event. I'm flying back on Monday so I won't really have much time to hang out.

Weezer just came out with a new album and dispite a couple noteable songs it's more or less a major dissa...well...I guess it's not technically a dissapointment when you weren't really expecting much.

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